Thursday, September 11, 2008

La regione e le sue province

The northern region of Trentino-Alto Adige, which was not wholly an Italian region until the end of World War I in 1918, shares borders with Austria to the north and northeast, Switzerland to the northwest and the Italian regions of Lombardia and Veneto to the east and west, respectively. As may be deduced by its name, the region is made up of two provinces, both of which are autonomous. Trentino, the autonomous province in the south, is mainly Italian, and Italian is spoken is the majority language of the province. Some of the major cities in Trentino include Trento, Rovereto and Pergine. Alto Adige in the northern part of the region, is a bit more complex. Formerly the province of SudTirol in Austria, the territory was turned over to Italy after World War I. Though some Italian is spoken in the valleys, especially in and around Bolzano. German is spoken in much of the province, mostly in the mountains and alpine plains. Major cities in this province include Bolzano (Bozen), Merano (Meran) and Bressanone (Brixen). With tourism being a major industry in the region, both provinces maintain their own tourist offices and transportation systems including local and regional bus lines, cable cars and regional rail service. Agriculture is important as well, and many local consumable products, including wine and grappa, cheese and cured meats, produce and other natural products, are readily available at weekly, or even daily, outdoor markets and special events.