Once in Trento, the first thing you notice are the surrounding hills and mountains. The Paganella dominates in the northwest over the steep walls of the smaller Sorasass. Oddly, the peaks of the other mountain range to the west, Monte Bondone, sometimes called Trento's alp, since the communities atop are part of the city's local jurisdiction, can only be seen from outside the city in the higher elevations to the east, including Monte Calisio, M. Celva and the Marzola.
Though unlikely, legend states that the old city of Tridentum, Trento's name under Roman rule, was derived from the three hills, Dos Trento, Dos Sant'Agata and Dosso di San Rocco, that surround the city.
Regardless, the mountains are all easily accessible and a stimulating hike is only a local bus ride or cable car run away. Old forts and military roads, crosses and graves, rifugi and picnic areas can be found throughout the region and add to the enjoyment of any trek.
Link: Map of the hills and mountains surrounding Trento