Saturday, October 31, 2009

Monte Bondone

Monte Bondone, the mountain range to the west of Trento, affectionately called Trento's alp, is one of the region's main attractions. With skiing in winter and hiking almost year round, outdoor activities abound in the higher elevations. Past hotels, cottages, ski-lifts and scenic views, the mountain road winds up and around through the resort towns of Candrai, Vaneze, and Vason, climbing higher and higher, finally reaching the vast plain and the localitĂ  Viote.

Take note of the restaurant here, Capanna Viote, the single building within view of the road, because a stop here at some point during your visit is a must. Whether for a full meal, say, a typical Trentino dish, like goulash di cervo con polenta (venison goulash with polenta-the best!), a fresh dessert (I recommend the strudel di mela, apple strudel) or just a quick drink at the bar (un caffè or una birra alla spina), whatever you're in the mood for, your expectations will be met!

From here, your adventure is just beginning. For the more adventurous, there are plenty of hiking trails leading to the high peaks-Il Palone to the north and the Natural Reserve of the Tre Cime towards the south, with spectacular views like the one below of the Brenta Dolomites. And for those looking for something less strenuous and little more leisurely, there's the Center for Alpine Ecology, an educational and wildlife rehabilitation center, and the Alpine Botanical Garden, a collection of alpine flowers, plants and even mushrooms.

More to come!

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