Friday, October 10, 2008

Fare un escursione a piedi

Mountain tops with panoramic views, encounters with wildlife, diverse natural landscapes - all essential elements of a great hike - and just some of the things to experience on the trails on the outskirts of Trento. Imagine, too, walks along old military roads, discovering small monuments or solitary graves while pausing to reflect on what may have brought individuals to these places in the past, plus opportunities to explore old forts and weapons caches. Add to these small towns and churches, pastures with grazing livestock, and mountain inns and refugi, and a hike becomes an interesting diversion and an adventure not to be missed.

From easy, short hikes within the city's local parks to long, difficult and challenging treks upwards towards mountain peaks, hiking opportunities abound in all of Trento's surrounding hills and mountains - all easily accessible by local bus or even cable car. Trails constructed by La Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini (SAT trails), a hiking organization formed in 1872, are very well maintained and marked with red and white signs and painted trail markers. Look for these signs at the end of almost every bus line pointing the way towards an interesting and satisfying outdoor experience.

Short walks and easy hikes:
Dos Trento
Dos Sant'Agata
Dosso di San Rocco e il bosco della città
Parco di Gocciadoro
Parco delle Coste

(Divertirsi al parco)

Medium difficulty and half-day hikes:
Monte Calisio
Monte Celva

Day long, difficult hikes:
La Marzola
Monte Bondone

Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini
Map of the hills and mountains surrounding Trento